
Causes Of High School Depression

Decent Essays

“Here’s to the kids who go to bed every night with tears in their eyes and death in their hearts.” Written by an author with the initials of C.K. Depression takes a person and kills them from the inside. Depression begins for most people in high school. High school is one of the most life changing experiences a person will ever go through. It is the place where depression is birthed and developed for many people. Depression is caused by innumerable factors, countless of which happen in high school. From Insecurities, challenged beliefs, negligent mental care, to the social aspect; students are bound to experience depression more than once in their high school career.
My sister entered high school in 2012. She was bound to succeed. …show more content…

Why live if no one will notice you are gone.
High school has this theory that is implanted in students from the day they enter school. It states this,”Do well in school, go to a good college, get a good job, make money, and you’ll be happy.” This is what students believe they must do to have a good life. But implementing this mantra is much easier said than done. Students burn themselves out trying to complete the first stage. They begin to neglect their families, sports, passions, and even themselves. The pressure of it all eventually crashes down on the student sending them spiraling into a place of anxiety and depression. A grade begins to define you. Students identify themselves with the grades they achieve. If you are a grade A+ student you are an A+ person. And if you produce C- grades, then you identify yourself as a C- person. Everything our performance is classified has some kind of generic value. People are approached the same way, an object that must be sorted by a value. Schools are vigilant in providing students with an education for taking care of their body with all of the required fitness classes. Yet they continuosly neglect teaching students on how to take care of their minds. Never do they adequately teach you the importance of taking care of your mental health. Nor do they teach you the preventive measures you can take against depression. The school system must confront mental illness if they hope to

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