
The Breakfast Club Student Identity Essay

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Student Identity in High School

High School culture has changed since the “old days.” Students from all grades are not only striving for academic success, but also participate in many extracurricular activities as outside forces continue to impact social life. With this comes the typical struggles of students figuring out who they are, and what kind of person they want to become as college becomes a daunting factor.

High School has obviously changed since the 1985 movie, The Breakfast Club, which portrayed different school stereotypes through five students, and how this made them reflect on their identity. In a way, this theme of different High School Stereotypes proves to still be evident in High School today when students …show more content…

She reflects on the interaction between different social groups: “I think in some ways people like to stick to their sports team or whatever like the friends they meet at certain activities. Like I know I wouldn’t go up to someone who’s on the ‘varsity lacrosse team’ when I could like sit with-- you know people like to stay safe with people they know. Especially at this stage in the game, you kinda already have your friends.”

This seems to be this case in different parts of the school. For instance, the cafeteria is mostly segregated by grade. Freshmen sit with Freshmen and Seniors with Seniors. Wasserman comments, “People are somewhat defined by their extracurriculars, but it’s not like black and white. Like you play sports, and I do theater, but like we’re still friends, like that kind of thing. So I think it’s pretty blurred.”

Kay Riley, a senior athlete and photographer at WHS, “Some parts of my social life are geared towards the people I hang out with. During the season, I am usually at pasta dinners, practices or some team bonding activities. It leaves little time to do other things not related to softball for those

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