
Causes Of Junk Food

Decent Essays

Anyone who has ever tried to eat healthy know that junk food is more convenient. These struggles stem from the fact that most of the time parents while purchase junk food more often than healthy food which makes junk food readily available. Small communities tend to have less accessibility to healthy food because they are often further away from larger markets. Most of the time while shopping people will notice that healthy foods are more expensive which is inconvenient for people with lower budgets and then in turn pushes them to buy the less expensive food which is most likely junk food. To truly understand the reasoning behind the choice to eat unhealthy lie within ones own mentality and the fact that they don’t think healthy food if worth the work, and that emotions play such a big role in what people choose to do. There are many problems and causes surrounding eating too much junk food. One of the major ones is emotional eating. Emotional eating happens when someone eats to deal with certain emotions such as sadness or even stress. Most people gravitate towards junk food while emotional eating because it never requires any preparations, is always there and easily accessed. Boredom also leads to excessive excessive eating, this is because people will be bored and not know what to with their hands and the easiest thing to do is to eat because there is always going to be food there. For many people it can be hard for them to realize that they are eating because of boredom

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