
Causes Of Juvenile Delinquency

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Juvenile Delinquency: Why Does it Happen? Introduction Juvenile delinquency and the rise of gangs in the youth community is a huge problem in our society today. There are many reasons to as of why the rise of juvenile delinquency is occurring, some of these reasons being wanting materialistic things, higher status/reputation, or for personal problems. However, there are many theories to explain why they commit crimes or join gangs and their activities. Some of these theories are Strain theory, Anomie theory, Subculture of delinquency, and Differential opportunity theory. These 4 theories help give us a further understanding of the reasoning behind why juveniles commit such criminal activities. It provides us with the motive and mindset of young offenders that commit such crimes. By applying these theories to such a problem, it helps us realize that this is an issue in our society and know what we can do to prevent this from rising even more. Strain and Anomie Theory Strain theory, created by Robert Merton, is when the individual is forced to either work within the structure society has produced, or instead become member of a deviant subculture in an attempt to achieve those goals. Merton created this theory to explain how the American dream is what the U.S built its cultural system on. The idea of the American dream was to encourage an individual to pursue a goal of success whether it means to be wealthy or acquire materialistic objects. The U.S. basically made the idea that if you work hard and get an education you can achieve wealth and financial security. (ReviseSociology) However, for the working/lower class this was very hard due to the predicament they were put in. Those in lower class have to deal with the unfair and unequal distribution of resources, as a result, this causes the individual to feel strain. Since he/she can’t reach this goal society has made, this leads them to fall into criminal activity. Merton also came up with the ‘Anomie’ theory which describes the imbalances between cultural goals and institutional means. The idea that one feels worthless and has no meaning to life because they cannot reach the goals society has set out for them. Since there is strain between the goals and means

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