
Causes Of Nat Turner

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In the historical backdrop of the United States, the rebellion of Nat Turner was the vital occasion. Nat Turner was marked as a slave after birth and fought until the end of his life for the freedom of black lives. The book “THE FIRES OF JUBILEE” is a perfect example to give the glimpse of his life. There are two main causes which basically directed Nat Turner to launch a revolt against whites. The first one is his visions of God to become a savior for black lives and the second one is his hatred for slavery from the time he learned to understand the meaning of it. The aftermath of the rebellion caused Nat Turner and his co-conspirators to hung to death, Southern states implemented harsh laws against black people and slaves whereas Northern states abolished slavery for the greater good. As a result of this particular rebellion event, the history of America changed its course and took an entirely different path. Had it not been for Nat Turner’s rebellion the entire history of America would have been questionable Turner was very intelligent and quickly learned how to read and write at a very early age. Even his mother and father both praised him and showed other slaves how he had congenital bumps and scars on his head and chest which in African tradition meant he was “destined to be a leader” (12). He grew up very religious and was very often seen praying, fasting and or immersed in reading the stories from the chapters of the Bible (27). Turner was already in his twenties

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