
Causes Of Reconstruction Essay

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The American Civil War happened between 1861 and 1865, the ending of the Civil War didn’t mean the end of problems. There is a saying that problems come one after another, and that just happen to happen after the Civil War. It was already decided that slavery would no longer be allowed in the United States. Also that North America and South America would become one union again. Thus to make this happen Reconstruction was the answer, and Reconstruction was not going to be easy. Many problems came from it, a main problem was the fact that many African Americans were not being treated fairly regardless of the laws. It affected them political, economical and socially. The political people protected African Americans, to make sure that slavery …show more content…

One program was called Freedman’s Bureau School Program, and many kids assisted there (Doc F). It was founded by Congress in 1865 to help out poor blacks and whites. It wasn’t just for kids, anyone in need can get help by getting food, legal assistance and medical aid. This helped many poor people who were affected by the Civil War, both socially and economically. As time went out many African Americans were able to expand on their housing, during the 1860’s many African Americans didn’t have a home or even land but then by the 1881 it all changed. By 1881 many had a place to call home, and the size of the house also grew. (Doc H) Although not everything was good, because this is when the KKK come in. They didn’t want the African Americans to be involved in anything, they hated them with a passion. The KKK did anything just to get rid of them, even to the extreme of taking the lives of innocent African Americans (Doc C). This caused many blacks to be afraid of speaking out for their rights, but this didn’t stop all the African Americans. Thus the KKK was busy trying to limit the rights of African Americans during the Reconstruction. The era of Reconstruction was one of good and bad things, mostly bad for the South since they had lost their independence from the North. Reconstruction was to lead the nation to success but most of the things didn’t end successfully.

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