
Causes Of The 2008 Financial Crisis

Decent Essays

The year 2008 was a horrendous year for most, in terms of money. The housing bubble deflated and the steep drop in prices sent both institutional investors and average investors into financial turmoil. There is quite a bit of controversy as what actually caused the housing bubble, but in this essay we will be using the explanation given by John C. Coffee Jr. Here he identified various factors that worked in tandem to subsequently cause the financial crisis of 2008. The first was the systematic failure by what he termed a “gatekeeper.” Which he later defines as financial institutions that provides verification for investors. In this instance the gatekeeper was the credit agencies who failed to appraise the actual value of the mortgaged backed …show more content…

To begin with, the industry must ever vigilant of the issues of asymmetric information. While there is no doubt that mortgages brokers did disclose the terms of their loans whether fixed or adjustable; foreclosure and transparency may not always be synonymous. To say you have disclosed financial information in a voluminous document written in esoteric financial jargon doesn’t constitute financial transparency. In addition, by the end of the mortgage crisis much of what would be constituted of due diligence constituted only a credit check. Although consumer credit behavior can forecast a lot; it doesn’t necessarily give a holistic assessment of risk with the borrower. Another layer that added to this complex financial meltdown involves the bundling of mortgages securities graded according a uniform fashion, yet deriving its value from the underlying security (i.e. property on the borrower). This lead to the bundling of assets that cross-contaminated one another and created a toxic environment for investing. Finally, we must ask ourselves if bailing out large financial institutions that chose to take risk was a feasible solution. I personally would have liked to have seen a solution similar to that which was implemented under the Regan administration to resolve the S&L crisis in 1980s. As a policy maker my approach would have been as follows: my first objective would have been to stabilize the real estate market instead of providing an enormous pool of liquidity to bail out investors, I would have targeted homeowners directly. Homeowners would have been able to get a third party appraisal from which to reset their loans. The government would have paid off their loan and refinanced at the new market value at a fixed rate, with the understanding that a capital gain tax of 10% would be applied to any equity beyond the new value at which the property was

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