
Causes Of The Holocaust

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Hitler’s rise to power focused on three things; nationalism, militarism, and anti-Semitism. These events spurred by Hitler’s beliefs led to the Holocaust. • Committing violent hate crimes such as Kristallnacht • Passing the Nuremberg Laws, which removed citizenship from the Jewish population • Registering the Jewish population and forcing them to wear Stars Of David to easily identify them. • Moving the Jewish population to neighborhoods called Ghettos. • Sending all Jewish people to concentration camps, The Final Solution, performing mass genocide During World War II the horrible treatment of the Jewish people moved with Germany’s conquests. By 1942 the majority of the Jewish population in Europe were under Nazi control. It is estimated that the genocide killed at least 6,000,000 people and at most 12,000,000. The Holocaust occurred between 1941-1945. The United States had reports about it since 1942, which were treated more like rumors and not acted upon. It wasn’t until the 60s that American’s really heard the horrors of The Holocaust and it wasn’t until the 70s and 80s that it was talked about. This included comic books, which avoided the subject for many years. The most notable mention of The Holocaust is with Magneto, who as a child was sent to Auschwitz with his family. There were many technological advances during World War II from tanks to aircrafts, but arguably the most impactful and infamous was the Atomic Bomb. An idea originally envisioned by Germans,

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