
Essay on Causes of Childhood Obesity

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In the past few years obesity among children has increased and has now become a major issue in this nation. Over twelve million children in the United States are obese and seven percent of those children are at risk of having type 2 diabetes. Obesity has become a burden to the United States economy and it is costing America $147 billion dollars a year. Are parents to blame for obese and overweight children or is society at fault? Obesity has been around for many years but has always been known to be an adult issue. Sadly obesity has now been discovered in children and has become one of the deadliest issues America faces. Childhood obesity has tripled within the past three decades and one in three children in the United States is …show more content…

In rare cases obesity is not necessarily due to the child being overfed or eating too much. Childhood obesity can also be caused by a genetic medical, psychological, genetics, lifestyle and environment”. Hypothyroidism Cushing's disease, diabetes and certain medications, notably steroids, some antidepressants, and high blood pressure drugs, and seizure medications can all cause a person to become obese. These medicines can slow the rate at which your body burns calories, increase your appetite, or cause your body to hold on to extra water. All of these factors can lead to weight gain. It is without a doubt that many people tend to overeat when faced with “stressful life circumstances in an effort to escape from their pain”. People also overeat in response to boredom, depression and anxiety. According to Carolyn M. Clancy, M.D. “A new study connects abnormalities of the "stress" hormone cortisol with symptoms of depression in obese children, and confirms that obesity and depression often occur together, even in children”. Obesity can also be caused by a genetic characteristic that increases a person’s body to accept excess body weight. This disease occurs due to an imbalance between the calories a child may eat as food and drinks and calories used to support normal childhood development. “Studies of identical twins who have been raised apart show that genes have a strong influence on a person's weight. “Overweight and obesity tend to run in families.

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