
Celie Johnson Case Summary

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Case Summary of Celie Johnson
Teleace Bryant
Liberty University

Celie Johnson is a 53-year-old African American woman who is seeking counseling in order to sort out and overcome some very tumultuous experiences that happened beginning in her childhood and continued well into her adult life. Around the age of 9, Celie began to be raped by her (supposed father). She was became pregnant twice, and each time her child was taken away from her and sold.
Celie has one sister, Nettie, the only person that she feels she truly loved or loved her back. They were both sold by their (supposed father), separately. Nettie was sold to a Reverend, and later traveled to Africa with Missionaries. Celie was heartbroken, as she was not only …show more content…

It came by her husband’s mistress, Shug Avery. One day Albert heard that Shug was sick, so he bought her to Celie to take care of her. Celie does not speak of feeling jealous or rejected by Albert. She seemed relieved to have another adult in the house. Celie says that Shug was very mean to her and called her names at first, but later they became good friends. She says that Shug taught her about love and life, and encouraged her to be less passive and more independent and strong. She says that Shug also encouraged her to look at the mirror and truly value herself. She says that Shug is the reason that she finally was able to get up the nerve to leave “Mr.”
Although Celie talks about her relationship with Shug in a very positive way, and seems to have benefited from it very much, there is a disturbing aspect of the relationship between Celie and Shug: Celie says that Shug kissed her in a man-woman sort of way, therefore there is some form of homosexuality involved. Celie has never been intimate with any other man or woman other than her abusive husband who was more like a slave master, and his …show more content…

She realizes that she is already up in age and worries about not being able to make up for lost time or to experience grandchildren. Although she is grateful for what she has now, and for the ability to begin to catch up with them, she feels a deep sadness at times from all the time that was lost. She hopes to decrease the feelings of sadness, anxiety, and depression so that it will not steal from her present involvement with her family.
Anger Towards God/Desire for God
She wonders why God allowed her to live this way for so long. She struggles with feelings of rejection and un-love because she wishes that God would have come through for her sooner, or protected her from her husband who was so cruel. Yet she knows that God is God, and she feels guilty for being angry with Him or questioning Him. Yet she longs to feel that God truly loves her. Her goal is to begin to resolve the inner belief that these circumstances are somehow a demonstration of God’s lack of love for her, and instead to focus on the positives. She wants to increase of feelings of love and care from God.

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