
Cell Cycle Regulation, Uncontrolled Growth And Division Of Cells

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Cancer is defined as group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and division of cells. The condition also includes spreading of abnormal cells to adjacent healthy sites of the body (1). If this condition is not controlled it could result in death. Abnormality in cell cycle regulation mechanisms, uncontrolled cell division, and invasiveness to the healthy tissues are the characteristic features of the cancer cells. Cells are the structural and functional units of all organisms. All the functions in the body are carried out by the cells in a well organized and regulated manner. When the cells deviate from their normal functioning and behave abnormally without any meaningful purpose in the body turn out into cancerous …show more content…

Different types of cancers behave differently based on the site of the origin. For example lung cancer behaves differently compared to the breast cancer. One important fact to be known is the characteristics of a cancer is based on its site of origin even it spreads to other tissues, for example metastatic breast cancer behaves like itself even it spreads into lungs. Cancer can be caused external factors such as tobacco intake, infectious organisms, and unhealthy life style. Internal factors such as inheritance, genetic mutations, and immune conditions. These factors may act alone, combine or sequence to cause cancer. Fig 1 Diagrammatic representation of cancer (2).
In United States, cancer is the second most leading cause of deaths next to cardiac diseases. One in every four deaths is accounted by the cancer. Nearly 1,658,370 new cases of cancer are expected in 2015. About 589,430 of Americans are expected to die of cancer in 2015 which equals to 1620 people per day. The five year survival rate for all cancers is 49 % between 1975-1977 which is increased to 68 % between 2004 to 2010 relatively a high percentage increase. The improvements in survival rate reflect improvements in diagnostic and treatment options.

Pancreas is a glandular organ located behind the stomach. When pancreatic glandular cells divide out of control and

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