
Cell Phones Persuasive Research Paper

Decent Essays

An iPhone was positioned in the hands of Rylee for the first time. An app (Pokemon Go) was uploaded that every person in her school talks about. The location services were turned on, on Rylee’s phone and she saunters around outside by herself for hours. Rylee accumulated her fiftieth Pokemon as she looks up and notices the pitch black viewpoint, she wondered where she was. Nothing but a whistle of the nippy wind was flying by her ear. Rylee continues to walk a little further and she trusts herself that she could stay out for only a few other minutes. Subsequently, she turned around and overheard a crack, she looked up, down, left, right, and witnessed nothing. So, Rylee took a step and noticed a closer crack, so she looks left, right, up, and down. One extra step was taken when Rylee felt warm, clammy hands on her right arm and …show more content…

The cell phones people use cause accidents on the road, ramifications to the brain, and hackers can discover secret or paramount information. Cell phones are gradually ruining people’s life physically and mentally. If some people don’t know the harm about cell phones, they might experience something they wish will never happen again. Take part in preaching the words to others around you so they are aware of the situation. People’s minds are stuck on the screen and need to start waking up and notice the dangers with cell phones. Some people learned this by experiencing one of the dangers. To prevent people from not experiencing a hardship from cellular devices is to inaugurate a group of people to recommend punishments to those who fail to follow the rules with the system. Furthermore, picture your future in 10 years. Can you imagine yourself being one of those people remembering the harmful effects of cell phones and spreading the word to others or someone who disremembers all about the negative effects of cell phones and soon comes to meeting abysmal

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