
Cellphones And Cell Phones Do Not Mix

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Talking on the phone while driving is just as harmful as text messaging. Cars and cell phones do not mix. A magazine entitled ¨The real reason why cars and cell phones don 't mix¨ found a study that, phone conversations distracts us more than talking to a fellow passenger (2005, p. 15). There is a lot of people that may have thought talking is not distractive. But, there was research done that proves otherwise. The phone call can have a bad connection. According to the magazine, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Tokyo, Japan did a study that since the strength of the signal often changes, the phone call has to switch from one station to another during the call. ("The Real Reason Why Cars," 2005, p. 15). …show more content…

Though the smartphone was a great invention, it has opened doors for distraction. ¨It was once enough to simply tell people not to text and drive, but the smartphone has now opened up a terrifying number of ways to distract yourself while on the road¨ (Chang, 2015). Again, distraction comes in different forms and there are new ways to be distracted. Many people are texting and talking on the phone, as well as checking on social media, taking pics and using Facetime. Then, children observe that their parents are distracted while driving. A video on raising awareness of distracted driving said that, “Studies show if kids grow up in a house with mom and dad who drives distracted they are three to four times more likely to also drive distracted.” (Stahl, 2015). Parents are supposed to be a role model for their kids. They should train their children in the way they should go. Like the saying goes,¨monkey see, monkey do¨ and this would become a never ending cycle of disobeying laws. People are not following rules. A city with banned cellphone use while driving found no improvements. ¨A Dallas Morning News analysis of the imperfect crash data in 12 Texas cities with cell phone rules found no consistent reduction in distracted driving wrecks after cities enacted bans¨(Benning, 2015). People are stubborn. They always go back to their old habits. The cities´ created those rules to create a safe community for all and all we have to do is follow them.

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