
Cervical Smoking Research Papers

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Women are also targeted when it comes to cigarettes. According to some, “Many girls and women are more concerned about looking good than about the long-term health effects” (Sasman 23). Strong evidence points to the connection between smoking and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia; which is the abnormal growth of squamous cells on the cervix. CIN is curable; however, cervical cancer is a consequence from it if left untreated. According to Saules study, “Cervical Cancer is now well-established as a smoking related illness” (207), claiming 5,000 lives annually. In the Journal of College health, the rate of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer is elevated in smokers. Quitting or reducing smoking reduces the likelihood of a …show more content…

Brief leaflets on the connection of smoking and cervical cancer have shown to be effective; however, in efforts to make more and younger women mindful, a study was designed to research the possibilities. According to Saules, increasing this awareness may help with the cessation efforts caused by cervical cancer” (208). The 135 female students who participated were in between the ages of 18 and 24 with various smoking status. The procedures were approved by the Eastern Michigan University Human subjects review board with the average age of about 20 years old and completed about 2 years of college, 78% Caucasian and 17% African-American. First, participants were asked to rate their risk of developing heart disease, lung disease and cervical cancer. According to this study, participants were asked to indicate which of the following they believed would increase the risk of developing cervical cancer by answering yes or no to each: HPV, oral contraceptive use, changing sexual partners, smoking, alcohol use, not using a condom, low-fiber diet, cervical dysplasia, and having an abortion. Participants were also asked to determine whether they considered themselves as a smoker, ex-smoker or non-smoker. Past-month smokers sought themselves likely in the average and above average category for heart disease and lung disease. Also, past-month smokers

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