
Cervical Cancer Affects Around The Uk

Decent Essays

Cervical Cancer affects around 34000 women every year around the UK (Bupa UK, 2013). Cervical Cancer is a result of the mutation of the DNA caused by the by the Human papillomavirus (HPV), (NHS, 2013).
The symptoms of cervical cancer are not always obvious thus the introduction of NHS cervical screening programme. The aim of the NHS Cervical Screening Programme is prevent the number women who die from cervical cancer each year due to not having early diagnoses. Since the introduction of the programme, a report was done between the NHS Cervical Screening Programme and Trent Cancer Registry it found that “Incidence and mortality rates in England have fallen considerably over the past 20 years. During this period, incidence rates decreased by over a third and mortality rates reduced by 60%. Survival, following a diagnosis of cervical cancer has improved in England since the 1980’s from the 83% to 88%”. (NHS, 2012, pp. P10-11).
Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common morphology accounting for over 2/3 of cancers (Cancer, 2014). The Federation of International Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) emphasize the importance of diagnosis at an early stage to minimise the effect on the patient. In order to be seen in an image, tumours must be at least stage IB and above.

Staging of cervical cancer:
1. In Stage 0 there is an abnormal cell in the cervix which can become cancerous and can spread to other regions of the body.
2. In Stage I the cancer is only found in the cervix. This

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