
Chaffee, Mcmahon And Sto Out Summary

Decent Essays

In reading the articles from both of the authors, it was easy for me to see the perspective that each one has on the subject of Barry Bonds and his use of steroids in Major League Baseball. The first author Will (2007) comes across that his perspective is against the drug use in any sports and he uses an objective language in his writing to show that. In our textbook Chaffee, McMahon, and Stout, (2008) describes an objective language as the use of little personal judgement and using persuasive facts to lure the audience in your direction. Will (2007) used facts based on the change in the ratio of home runs every 16.1 at bats before to 8.9 at-bats after the drug use for Bonds. Will (2007) also used testimonies from people that worked with Bonds, the equipment manager Mike Murphy for the San Francisco Giants testified that Bonds’s shirt size changed from a 42 to a 52 and that his shoe size increased from a 10 to a 13. Will (2007) also used examples of drug use in different sports from as far back as 1898 to support his story. …show more content…

He uses a subjective language in his writing to show that. In our textbook Chaffee, McMahon, and Stout, (2008) describes a subjective language as the use of personal judgement to show your personal feelings on the subject. In Gregory (2007) writings, he used five different ways for people to think about Bonds, four out of those five were to persuade me to believe that it is ok if professional athletes use drugs to improve their performance. He did try to use some facts based on the depth of the fence for Babe Ruth and the changing of the height of the pitcher’s mound for Hank Aaron in their time however, those changes benefitted all of the players, not just the

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