
Challengedd Books: Banned Or Challenged

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The name of her lawyer is Campbell Alexander who has a service dog ( 3). Anna’s parents Sara and Brian take this lawyer’s letter that they received very differently (13). When Sara sees this letter she was vexed, not just with the letter but the whole situation (3). Sara does not know who to give her attention to (4). Either her son Jesse who is a trouble maker, her daughter Anna who is suing them for attention, or Kate who is dying slowly (4). She focuses on Kate, even though the love for all three of her children is equal (13). Campbell Alexander, Anna’s lawyer, became her lawyer that way she would get out of his hair and he could get more money (14). Once Campbell starts working with Anna and gets to know her more he starts caring for …show more content…

The difference between a challenged book and a banned book is that a book that is challenged has been attempted to be removed based upon what a person or group thinks of that book (“About banned/challenged books” par. 2). A banned book is a book that has been censored by an authority, government, library, or a school system (“info please” par. 2). Most of the reasons books get banned or challenged is because the authors decide to say what they feel like saying and it causes major quarrels between people and groups (Hatch 9). Some reasons books can become banned is because of racial issues, encouragement of damaging lifestyles, religious reasons, sexual situation, violence, political bias, and age inappropriate (“Banned books” page 1). Book banning does not just happen in the U.S. it happens all over the world (Dell 14). Sometimes the reason for a book being banned it is because it really was not meant for the age the author thought it was for (“info please” par. 3). Many children books have been banned for example Little Red Riding Hood and Harriet the Spy (8). Harriet the Spy was banned because it was supposedly teaching kids how to spy, curse, lie, and talk back to adults ( 8). The first book that had ever been banned was the bible (Dell 26). Some people banned books so that other peoples feeling do not get hurt (“info please” par. 3). Many people believe that some books should not be banned like the Harry Potter books …show more content…

It gives many lessons, I could recite them easily.. It could mean do not always push people to do things they do not want to do. A person can only handle so much, like Kate and her leukemia how she was ready to go, but her mom was not ready to let go I learned that family is everything. Family is there for you all of the time even through the tough times. The most important lesson that I have learned from reading this would be not to take family for granted. I will not always have my family here, they could die at any second. I have to always tell them I love them because at one point in my life I will not get to see them anymore. If I do not tell them I love you then one day something is going to happen to them and I am going to regret not telling my family anything. I would recommend this book more to mature teenagers. It really does have some chapters that are graphic and could be a little bit too mature for some teenagers.
My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult is a well-known book even though it is banned, it represents toughness and love. The amount of support Kate gets from her family is awesome and that is why many people love this book although it is sad. This is why this book is familiar to

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