
“Challenges And Risks Of Genetically Engineered Organisms”.

Satisfactory Essays

“Challenges and Risks of Genetically Engineered Organisms”. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2004.

I found this book through IUCAT and it is available as an online resource. This book was written and published as the result of an OECD, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Workshop on Challenges and Risks of - What Risk Analysis is Appropriate? Options for Future Policy Making Towards Integrated Agro-Food Systems. This book covers a wide variety of risks associated with genetically engineering our food supply, including discussions on the environment, food safety and WTO agreements regarding trade and economic effects. The portion of this book I found the most interesting, as well as being material that was relevant and added …show more content…

N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2017.

I found this source while searching for organizations that campaign for awareness of GMOs and GMO related issues. This report was published by “Just Label It!”, an organization which is pushing for the labeling of all foods which contain GMOs, and can be found on their website. The focus of the report was on just how much of our food supply comes from GMO crops, which is the vast majority. The report was fairly short but contained summaries of relevant information, including the nine major genetically engineered crops on the market in the United States. The tow crops on this list that stuck out to me was Corn and Canola oil, which may explain why nearly all processed food items are genetically modified since they almost always contain high fructose corn syrup, a corn derivative, or canola oil, a canola derivative.

Powell, Chelsea. "How to Make a GMO." Science in the News. Harvard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, 10 Aug. 2015. Web. 04 Apr. 2017.

This source comes from a blog published by the Harvard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and is written by Chelsea Powell, a PhD student in the Chemical Biology program at Harvard University. This article focuses specifically on the process of genetic engineering, meaning how genes are inserted into various organisms DNA in order to create a GMO, and the reasoning behind each step. There are four steps in

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