
Change Blindness Essay

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Change Blindness

After investigating spatial cognition and the construction of cognitive maps in my previous paper, "Where Am I Going? Where Have I Been: Spatial Cognition and Navigation", and growing in my comprehension of the more complex elements of the nervous system, the development of an informed discussion of human perception has become possible. The formation of cognitive maps, which serve as internal representations of the world, are dependent upon the human capacities for vision and visual perception (1). The objects introduced into the field of vision are translated into electrical messages, which activate the neurons of the retina. The resultant retinal message is organized into several forms of sensation and is …show more content…

The concept of change blindness has been addressed over the course of nearly half a century, with increasing focus on the subject throughout the past five years (3). Although biologists, psychologists, and philosophers have yet to resolve definitively the paradox of looking without seeing, the investigation of each theory on the matter yields deeper insight into visual perception and sight as well as a decreasingly incorrect understanding of those components of the nervous system, which are crucial for visual cognition. Under normal viewing conditions, changes produce transient signals that can draw attention. Change blindness studies are designed to eliminate or block these transient signals by inserting a visual disruption when the change occurs (3). Flicker Paradigm studies examine the occurrence of change blindness and attempt to explain the inability to not see that which is directly in front of our eyes. The Flicker Paradigm demonstrates the essentiality of attention in the process of seeing (4). The alternation of an object and a modified version of that same object is interrupted by millisecond flashes of blank space. Subjects are then asked to report changes in the images.

In order understand the events leading to the failure to recognize change, comprehension of the mechanism by which change is successfully recognized is requisite. According to the traditional understanding of this process, an individual must form an internal

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