
Changing the World in Diane Arbus's Book, Child with a Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park

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Firefighters are a unique group of individuals that keep people safe. Doctors are a unique group of people that safe people’s lives. Artists are a unique group of people that transform ideas into a viewable reality that is debated daily. None of these groups have super powers but they do possess a talent that is not given to all people. They do however; have the power to change the world. Diane Arbus was only one artist who was part of the surreal movement that began in the 1920’s. Her story begins in the 60’s sharing the stage with the likes of Chuck Close, Duane Hanson, and Audrey Flack. It was a time to shine the light on all things right and wrong with the world. This included but not limited to people, objects and places. Because surrealism was so strong during this period it allowed more freedoms from traditional art and paved the way for Diane Arbus.

DIANE ARBUS Diane Arbus found participation to be the very best way to take a photograph. Home grown in New York City, she found the obscure to be the front for her masterpieces. Diane Arbus found herself growing up during the depression and getting to spend a lot of time in Central Park. She ended up spending the majority of her adult life with homosexuals, derelicts, transvestites, and freaks. Diane Arbus found this group of misfits to be photogenic because she felt a part of this group her entire life. Her peers and everyone around her were very critical of her work, to the point of bullying. Diane Arbus wanted

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