
Chapter 7 Anaysis - Crime without Punishment from Kleiman's When Brute Force Fails

Decent Essays

For this assignment I will be summarizing chapter 7 titled “Crime without Punishment” from Kleiman's When Brute Force Fails . This chapter is broken into different short topics, I will be summarizing the chapter in the that order. In the introduction Kleiman begins with the statement that “punishment is costly to inflict and painful to undergo” (p. 117). The introduction states that we need to find ways to reduce crime without increasing punishment and hurting people. He says that crime accompanies social disadvantage and that those who commit crime have bad decision making skills and lack of self command. The conclusion he draws at the end of the introduction is that “crime is a cause and consequence of social disadvantage” (p.117). The …show more content…

The evidence that is provided expresses that prisons should be a place to “conduct health education, screening for disease and treatment” however, right now prison is just a place where disease is allowed to spread back and forth between the general public (p.123). The fourth topic is educational management which covers how the education system can decrease youth crime by making a small change in the time school starts. This section states that if school started later than youth would have less opportunities to commit crime. At the moment the only thing that is hindering this from occurring is the inconvenience it would bring adults (teachers, parents, etc.). This section also discusses peer on peer (mainly bullying) crime and how it should be treated as regular crime not something that can be overlooked. This sections ends stating that we should hold schools more accountable for the crime rates of their students. The fifth section is perinatal and early childhood interventions which mainly discusses intervention that deals with at risk children before they are born by focusing at high risk mothers. The evidence used to support the claim is a piloted program in New York that reduced arrested by 69% of the children whose mothers participated. The next 3 sections are health care, mental health care, and public health, which cover why health care professions do not see preventing crime as a part of their job with the exception being the mental health sector. The

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