
Character Analysis Of Aura

Decent Essays

Aura: Analysis & Response
Part A:
Carlos Fuentes’ Aura is about a man named Felipe Montero who gets hired by an elderly woman named Consuelo Llorente to edit and review her deceased husband’s manuscripts. Later on in the story he is introduced to Sra. Llorente’s niece, Aura, and instantly falls in love with her. As the story goes on, strange events occur during Felipe’s time there with the story concluding that Aura is the embodiment of Consuelo’s young past life. Fuentes uses imagery throughout the story which makes easier for the reader to have a better understanding of it. The images used give the reader understanding of what is going on, reveals each character’s identity, and what emotions they may feel throughout the story.
To begin, many of the images the author creates clarify to the reader what is going on in the story and what might happen next. In the beginning of the story, Felipe discovers the newspaper advertisement and immediately heads over to the location the next day and gets the job to edit the documents. After his first night staying in the Llorente home, Felipe hears a commotion outside of his bedroom. He looks out of his window and notices something unusual in the trees. “[..] that square of yew trees and brambles where five, six, seven cats[...]are all twined together, all writhing in flames and giving off a dense smoke that reeks of burnt fur” (Fuentes 840). This gives the reader the indication that Felipe has seen cats burning in flames to death and

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