
Characteristics Of A Black Leader

Satisfactory Essays

I think we should have a black leader it would be better than a white especially Donald trump the reason why I say this is because the black person that would be our leader can relate to us because he or she has been through what we have been through and that would be good for that person to know because they would already know what to do while they are in the seat that’s why we should have a black leader instead of a white one.

I don’t think we should have a white leader because he can only relate to their own kind and not ours also they don’t know what we go through except black people and I know trump can’t relate to us if a black person can be our leader that would be great because she of he knows what we have gone through and she/he is intelligent so he/she knows what to do even more I don’t know but I know one thing is that we need someone who’s ready for the job and consequences and when the time has come. …show more content…

A leader is someone that puts everyone before themselves and tries their problems like Malcolm x or like martin Luther king a leader is what we need to get what we want in life the reason why I say this is because nowadays some people are misguided and end up going with white people.

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