
Characteristics Of Guerrilla Warfare

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Guerilla Warfare: A Case in Vietnam War

Introduction During the Napoleonic Wars, the term “Guerrilla Warfare” emerged as the main phenomenon that lead the interest of various thinkers such as Clausewitz, Marx and Engels to examine its importance in war. ‘Guerrilla’ means “little war”, which explain a type of warfare, fought by irregulars in a fast-paced, small scale actions against military groups and police forces. The word “guerrilla” came from “guerrilleros” which referred to Spanish and Portugese irregulars that successfully pushed back French army during the Peninsular War in 1808-1814. The practitioners of guerrilla warfare have been called rebels, insurgents and mercenaries due to the nature of “hide and seek” tactics, which designed …show more content…

Samuel Huntington offers the definition of guerrilla warfare as “a form of warfare by which the strategically weaker side assumes the tactical offensive in selected forms, times, and places.” Meaning that the weaker irregulars fight a superior side (army) by denying their military victory. "Denying" their victory is accomplished by hit-and-run operations, “hide and seek” technique, and surprise attacks. These attacks will drive the enemy psychologically drained and cutback their performance. “... Through this means of fighting which is continued for long periods of time, the enemy will have no opportunity to organize himself in all fields,they will even become increasingly weaker both physically and psychologically. It can therefore also be said that the guerrilla tactic is a tactic of squeezing out the enemy’s life …show more content…

"Denying" their victory is accomplished by hit-and-run operations, "hide and seek" technique, and surprise attacks. It is important to attack the opponent's vulnerable spots with coordination and retreat, causing the enemy's distress and frustration. In aforementioned case study on Vietnam War, guerrila tactics was shown effectively pushed back US troops despite limited military equipment and technology, in contrast with US advanced technology for airstrikes and ancillary.
This essay has shown how intelligence and ambush are crucial in determining successful guerrilla tactics. Deception was used in a form of disguise. The Vietcong who posed as farmers in the countryside worked the fields during the day. They held no suspicion from the US patrols and were not considered as a threat. The US troops was driven to frustration over identifying enemy and alliance. Another example comes from the complex underground tunnel. The tunnel provide shelter and mobilization for the Vietcong. Because of this, the Vietcong was able to operate surprise attacks successfully. The importance of two characteristics cannot be dismissed, as they provide crucial plans in winning the

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