
Characteristics of Criminal Offenders

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Characteristics of Offenders
One of many studies that gave way to the argument that criminal behaviors can be passed down throughout generations was performed by Henry Herbert Goddard’s (The Kallikak Family: A Study in the Heredity of Feeble-Mindedness) a psychologist who study the mental retardation (Forman, J., 1985). Goddard study 1912 reportedly "proved" that intelligence was hereditary of Feeble-Mindedness. He believed that if ones lack of ability to make sound decisions for oneself; having a mental deficiency is often an inherited trait (Forman, J., 1985). Richard L. Dugdale was another pioneer of the finding of were characteristics of offenders who commit crimes derive from. Dugdale research was based off the earlier research done by Dr. Elisha Harris, called “Margaret.” Dugdale and Harris both believed that “eugenic thinking in a formula that linked heredity to social, moral, and mental failings and added the implication that bad heredity had been earned by the iniquity of past generations”. Meaning that they believed that a person environment can be they primary reasoning for participating in criminal acts. Explanations of criminal behaviors article states that “contemporary researchers have searched for support for the genetic transmission of crime by studying criminal families, and the possibility that criminal tendencies are inherited” (Explanations of criminal behaviors (n.d). Researcher have often been criticized for their lack of significant evidence to

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