
Charles Darwin Theory

Decent Essays

Scientific theories have and will be created and developed worldwide for just about any concept. However, during the development stage, a similar process will be followed in order to allow the theory to be accepted: Hypothesis and experimentation, sharing findings, repeat by others and acceptance of the theory. One example of
Charles Darwin, a scientist in the 1800’s, wished to develop his understandings of the adaptations across species in different environments. To do this, he travelled to the Galapagos Islands on the HMS Beagle Survey Ship in 1835. A year later he returned to England, where his findings were recognised by the scientific community.
Hypothesis and Experimentation:
In 1837, Darwin develops his hypothesis: ‘Evolution happens …show more content…

1858: Alfred Russel Wallace agrees with Darwin’s theory and findings, he independently conducted his own research about natural selection and gained similar results to Darwin. 1859: Darwin publishes ‘On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection’. 1872: ‘The Expression of Emotions by Man and Animals’ is published (who) 1873: A book about human evolution, sexual selection and the descent of man is published.
As Darwin began to publish his findings, anger towards the theory began to decrease and became more accepted by both professional scientists as well as the general public 1876: Darwin published ‘The effects of Cross and Self Fertilisation in the Vegetable …show more content…

This becomes problematic when trying to prove beliefs. For example, scientists will never be able to prove that God is real. There is very little, if any real evidence that God existed besides the Bible. Therefore, it is difficult to observe
So, questions currently answered by scientists are often supported by a large community, have the resources necessary for effective research and have a substantial amount of previous research whereas questions that cannot currently be answered lack either the technology or manpower at this time. Questions that can never be answered scientifically are usually open ended and cannot be solved with a formula like the cure for cancer or photograph like extra-terrestrial life.

Explain why there is sometimes resistance to new theories (human rights groups and religious groups)
5 areas, explain briefly, ethical and moral issues, and positive and negative attitudes: -animal/human organ donors -Self inflicted illness (smoking, obesity) -Biological screening -Animal/human drug testing -Genetic manipulation

Source list:
Annets, F. Foale, F. Hartley, J. Hocking, S. Hudson, L. Kelly, T. Llewellyn, R. Musa, I. and Sorensen, J. (2010) Applied Science Level 3 BTEC National. Essex: Pearson Education

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