
Charles Robert Darwin And The Origin Of Species By Natural Selection

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Charles Robert Darwin was born in Shrewsbury England on February 12, 1809. Charles grew up very wealthy. His dad was a doctor and his mom did pottery. When he went to school he first studied medicine and then switched to natural history. He later got a degree in theology and meet a mentor of his, J. S. Henslow. In school he studied the work of a theologian named William Paley.
In 1831 he went on a trip to South America and Africa with Captain Robert Fitzroy. They traveled on the H.M.S. Beagle and Darwin suffered from seasickness. After he got back he published Journal of Researches in 1839 with research from his journey.
He became popular for natural history and botany in London, but he moved to the countryside after he got sick. He got married …show more content…

Darwin and Wallace both had the same ideas and we're going to work together until his friends Hooker and Lyell persuaded him not to. The title of his book was originally titled The Origin of Species by Natural Selection but was shortened to the Origin of Species.
His theory quickly became popular and his manuscript sold well. He spent the rest of his career publishing works like The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication in 1868 and The Descent of Man in 1871. On April 19, 1882 Charles Robert Darwin Died and was given a state funeral in Westminster Abbey.
Charles Darwin start his book off by explaining the fact that he carefully came to his conclusions through his research but was quick to publish his book because of his health and because Wallace had came to some of the same conclusions. During his reaserch he recived help from many different scientest including Doctor hooker.
While other naturalists thought that external things cause the variation of species Charles Darwin believed that it was something more than that. Darwin tells us that his study of domesticated animals, cultivated plants and natural organisms will help explain his theory on the origin of

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