
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Economy

Decent Essays

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, a renowned book by Roald Dahl, captured the attention of America with its wild characters and fantastic ideas. Though many readers may not realize, the entire premise of the book is based on a machine taking a key character’s job. The idea that machines will steal people’s jobs seems as far out as the plot of this book. Not only will the development of machines deter unemployment, it will continue to improve the U.S. economy. Therefore, increasingly complex machines may advance the U.S. economy. To begin, people with interpersonal jobs, such as therapists, psychiatrists, school counselors, and many others, will always be in demand, for machines cannot make decisions based on human emotions. Although many scientists and researchers hope to someday create a machine or robot that can have its own thoughts and ideas, the robot still will be unable to read underlying hints of emotion that people are prone to understand. As quoted in an article titled, Robotics and The Economy, written by Patrick Marshall, “... machines are unlikely to eliminate all human workers, at least for the next decade. And certain types of jobs — those involving interpersonal or social skills, such as substance abuse counselors or recreational therapists — will require humans long into the future” (qtd. in Marshall, Robotics). This statement demonstrates the constant need for relational work, specifically noting the fields in which machines prove least threatening. To

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