
Charlie Erikson Psychology

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The movie begins with a boy named Charlie, a new coming freshman to high school with burdens from the past, but is just trying to live through it. Charlie is shy, he does not open up to people easily, but as took the courage to befriend with Patrick, he quickly starts to fit in with Patrick’s friend group, the “Misfit toys”. As Charlie spends time with his soon to graduate friends, he discovers the excitement and joy of being in high school and falling in love for the first time. But as drama stirs up, Charlies struggles through finding where he belongs and past memories and events are brought to surface. Charlie is introverted; according to the Five-Factor Model, he would score low on the Extroversion category because he is a loner, prefers being alone rather in social groups; he is quiet, he does not like to participate in answering questions in class even though he knew all the answers; he is reserved, he does not drink or party like his other …show more content…

Erik Erikson’s eight stages of psychosocial development of identity versus role confusion explains the position that Charlie is in. In the beginning of the movie, Charlie is this shy, introverted boy, but as he meet new friends, he starts to open up to them and becoming more comfortable in social situations, he has developed a change of who he is. Charlie even stood up for Patrick by punching the two boys, which is something that is very out of the ordinary, and not like what the old Charlie would do. Charlie has been terrified ever since the cafeteria incident, and wonders what kind of person he is. As Charlie turn to Sam for comfort, he develops a sense of connectedness and intimacy with her--intimacy versus isolation. Charlie confides with Sam and asks her if what he did was wrong, and Sam told Charlie that he is a hero for saving Patrick, but Charlie still feels somewhat disrupted from his blackout

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