
Charlotte Bronte 's Jane Eyre And Jean Rhys 's Wide Sargasso Sea

Satisfactory Essays

When reading Charlotte Bronte 's Jane Eyre and Jean Rhys ' Wide Sargasso Sea, one notices the numerous comparisons between the protagonists and their evolutions. Many factors may have contributed to Jane and Antoinette 's traits and opinions, but their childhoods, relationships, and societal pressures were by far the most prominent. Both Eyre and Mason were abused and neglected at an early age; one may see the outcome of this in their characters ' development, and, in turn, the characters ' outlook on life. This treatment develops their need to belong . After childhood, the two characters ' choices vary substantially. While Jane sees clearly that a relationship with Rochester would essentially mean entrapment, and avoids it at all costs, is easily fooled into believing in his love; it never occurs to her that he just wants to marry her for her wealth. Societal pressures affected Eyre and Mason conversely; making Jane weary of eloping with someone whose social class is unlike her own, while Antoinette entered very carelessly into her sham of a marriage that literally would be the death of her.

Jane Eyre grew up an orphan, raised by her nightmare of an aunt, and living with her prejudiced cousins in Gateshead. They openly abuse her, often more emotionally than physically, and she can only find refuge in Bessie, the only servant, or person, for that matter, who liked her. Jane was lucky to escape this torturous life, or so she thought initially, by moving to a boarding school

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