
Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Cupid in the Kitchen

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Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Cupid in the Kitchen

As a reader in the 1990's it's tempting to see Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "Cupid in the Kitchen" as revolutionary and ahead of its time. She proposes the complete professionalization of the nutritive and execretive functions of society, a radical, if not revolutionary notion. However, in the light of the fin-de-siecle birth of the modern feminist movement, Gilman is but one voice in many crying for economic and social justice for women. In effect, the rhetorical situation of 1898 demanded and created this discourse as it does all discourse (Bitzer 5). Gilman's "Cupid" is a natural and elegant response to the conditions which created it: the continuing surplus of unmarried …show more content…

This event also inspired Gilman's work. In this respect, Gilman's "Cupid" is neither revolutionary nor ahead of its time. That it bemoans the status of women in society and demands new opportunities for employment makes this piece more typical than remarkable. That is not to say that it is trivial. Gilman's book was both topical and significant in 1898. But what's most interesting in the 1990's is how her work differs from that of her contemporaries. What makes it stand out? How is it revolutionary, and why has it been anthologized? To answer these questions, the reader must follow the work to where the energy in the prose leads. This calls for a close examination of the most striking feature of her work, the proposal itself.

Gilman's vision is revolutionary, and in some respects, prophetic. She proposes that the domestic chores of cleaning and nutrition be professionalized. Because they are so important, she argues, these tasks should be performed by well educated and trained professionals. She suggests that urban families living in flats and apartments could eat at a central, professionally staffed kitchen. In the suburbs, several houses could be linked by a kitchen in a similar way (Gilman 217-19).

Her system offers several advantages. Obviously, people's nutritional requirements could be better met by a centralized, professionally-staffed kitchen. In all

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