
Checks and Balances Essay

Decent Essays

The Founding Fathers were the political leaders who took part in the American Revolution and won American Independence from Great Britain in 1776. They also participated in framing and adopting the Constitution in 1788. They are known in our history books as “The Framers” and are responsible for putting the new government, outlined in the new Constitution into effect. The framers were afraid of majority rule, so they created three separate branches of the government; Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. Each branch had their own powers, along with the ability to have some control over the other branches. The three branches ultimately work together to give us the government we know today. The following will explain the …show more content…

As explained in the Legislative paragraph, the President may sign a bill passed by Congress into law or may veto it - or deny it from becoming a law. Along with a 2/3 majority vote by the senate, the President can make treaties with foreign nations. The President may be impeached by a majority in the House and removed from office by a two-thirds majority in the Senate for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors". He also has the power to pardon, or release, criminals convicted of offenses against the Federal Government, enact executive orders, and (with the consent of the Senate) appoint Supreme Court justices and federal judges. The President has these powers and responsibilities, but he doesn’t do it all alone. He appoints people who are experts in certain areas to be his advisers, or his cabinet. As part of the checks and balances system, the Constitution requires that the president periodically inform the Congress of the “State of the Union” and of the policies and programs that the executive branch would like to introduce in the following year.
The Third article of the Constitution was left purposely vague by the framers, and explains the Judicial Branch of Government which establishes the Supreme Court as the Highest Court of the land. The Framers left the national judiciary size, composition and

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