
Chemistry Personal Statement

Decent Essays

The focus of The College of Charleston Study Abroad program in Costa Rica is water quality chemistry. We will be collecting water samples throughout the local environment of Costa Rica and analyze them to understand the physical, chemical and biological processes that impact their quality. It is essential to test the quality of water to maintain a reliable and healthy source and limit any issues that would negatively influence human and environmental health. As a chemistry major and someone who aspires to someday work in the health field, it is not only important that a dependable water source is readily available for medical procedures in this country, but also that the water quality is not the cause of any health issues among the population. The course will focus on the collection and the analytical processes for determining pollutants, sources, and fixes for different water types as they impact the local environment. I believe it is essential that I gain the knowledge of the lifestyle, culture, and traditions of those that live differently than myself. …show more content…

The path and prerequisites for medical school place a rigorous schedule on students, however, this program gives us the chance to engage in international learning in a way that has not been available previously. The opportunity to participate in this program will not only allow me to apply my educational skills that I have attained thus far, but also learn valuable skills that can be applied to my future education in chemistry and profession in

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