
Chikatilo's Psychopathy

Decent Essays

Along with his sexual sadism and BPD, Chikatilo was very likely a psychopath. Just like Chikatilo, 81% of psychopathic rapists are opportunistic (as cited in Pozzulo et al, 2015, p. 312). Chikatilo waited around bus stops and train stations looking for people who were easy targets. A place where people were traveling so it may take longer for others to notice these individuals missing. These hunting grounds were full of opportunity to watch prey unnoticed and find ideal targets. When he found an ideal target he would manipulate them, with offerings such as candy, money or comfort to entice them into walking with him (Hickey, 2003, p. 71). Manipulation such as this is a behavioural characteristic of many psychopaths (Pozzulo et al, …show more content…

312). Chikatilo’s sadistic raping would therefore lend itself to support the idea that he would have a higher score on the test. The brutal harm that Chikatilo inflicted on each one of his victims can only be seen as sadistic in nature. No other type of person would get so much enjoyment and arousal from the physical and psychological pain that Chikatilo inflicted upon his victims. He lacked remorse and was indifferent to the pain and suffering that he caused to all the victims and victim’s families, exhibiting no negative emotions toward his behaviour. Along the same lines, any offenders who commit sexual homicide are found to more likely be psychopathic than any other sexual offender (p. 208). It is understandable that murdering the victims after or during his assault would make him more psychopathic. The more violent the assault the more satisfaction he would gain from the encounter. Therefore, without any mental or emotional restrain, it would only make sense that he would eventually want to end his victim’s life. It is the ultimate display of power over the …show more content…

307). Chikatilo certainly played his part in racking up the number of crimes attributed to people with psychopathy. Convicted of 52 murders, admitting to 53 murders, and with the possibility of having committed many more, Chikatilo was no doubt an individual who had more crimes than one would think possible for just one individual. One of the reasons that Chikatilo was able to accumulate such a high and disturbing number is because he had no regard for the possibility or capture or punishment. If psychopaths are engaged behaviour that they find rewarding, they will dismiss any information that might put a stop to their behaviour (p. 319). This is known as response modulation deficit theory (p.

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