Published case reviews draw special attention on the professionals lack of knowledge and confidence when assessing risk in children coming from various religions and cultural backgrounds. A lack of understanding of these two key components, might put at significant risk the children's welfare, leading professionals to overlook certain situations and to offer inadequate support or lower standards of care (NSPCC, 2017).
This annotated bibliography seeks to explore what are the lessons to be learned from this serious case review , how familiar are the S.W s with the risk factors already identified and highlighted by these case reviews, what practical methods are already in place (such as culturally informed assessment as a useful tool to depict early signs of neglect and abuse) and what it still needs to be done to ensure that religion and faith is not used as a distraction from
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I shadowed a social worker who was interviewing a mother coming from a polish background who's child had been referred to the social services by the school ,as being suspected of child abuse. Despite of the child's outstanding academic performance and his good overall appearance ,the boy in question disclosed to his teacher that he sometimes get smacked by his parents. When mother was questioned about the concerns raised, she said that in her culture this act wouldn't be considered as a form of abuse. She attributed her behaviour to her religious beliefs, to a collective understanding of her people about correction and discipline concept which is transmitted from generation to generation. Apart from the communication difficulties that occurred inevitably due to the mother's poor English, the social worker was not very confident in challenging the parents harmful practices which , especially when no visible signs of abuse or distress had not been
Practitioners and professionals working with children on a daily basis are in a good position to notice changes in a child's or young person’s behaviour which may be a possible sign of abuse. Children or young people may also confide in practitioners or allege that abuse has taken place.
The rediscovery of child abuse can be largely contributed to the news media for highlighting the inhumane treatment of children by parents and guardians. Many children were being viciously punished by parents and guardians as a form of corrective training. The harsh punishment and beating would have resulted in severe injuries to the child and their wellbeing. The disturbing circumstances reported by the media drew strong condemnation from people and organization around the nation. The highlighted problem by the media helped mobilize a very strong social movement to deal with the problems and issues relating to child abuse. The movement then quickly highlighted some very important aspect of child abuse such as sexual exploitation, incest, gross
The author of this book ,Stuart was abused by his step father that almost ruined his life and ended up in hospital, but in this book he writes about how he survived the
Back in the day there were not as many child protecting laws and assisting facilities like there are today. In 1960’s there was very little information as it relates to child abuse. A Canadian psychologist by the name of William L. Marshall said, “you could read all the information in one morning. With the lack of information there was no way for individuals to readily identify what constituted as child abuser. Child abuse before 1875 was in fact the era before child services were created to protect the children.
“Every year more than 3 million reports of child abuse are made in the United States involving more than 6 million children (A report can include multiple children). The United States has one of the worst records among industrialized nations- loses on average between four to seven children every day due to child abuse and neglect” ("National Child Abuse Statistics."). There are numerous children who are suffering from child abuse, but determining what child abuse is for each state differs. This makes it harder to determine how to solve the issue of child abuse and the fact that it has existed for so long. To help solve the issue of child abuse, innovative programs are being created every day. Some of those programs are using culture to determine whether or not it is a factor.
Child Abuse and Neglect continue to be a serious pediatric and social threat to the nation’s children. Child maltreatment is more than bruises and broken bones. While physical abuse may be the most noticeable, other types of abuse, such as emotional and sexual abuses, leave deep, lasting scars. Child Maltreatment includes significant negative experiences with long-lasting effects. These childhood experiences cause detrimental, long lasting effects during cognitive, behavioral, and emotional development and often well into adulthood. This paper will look at the various types of child maltreatment and the causes attributed to them, as well as the long term effects of child abuse and what can be done to prevent these abuses.
The study of child sexual and physical abuse has become a crucial area of study in sociology. Sociological theory deals with the social structures and social behavior, therefore, examines child physical abuse. Child maltreatment entails all forms of physical
Each week Child Protective Services receives more than 50,000 allegations of child abuse. Two-thirds of the allegations have enough evidence to start investigations. The results of these investigations showed 2,450 children are abused everyday (Ianelli, 2006). In 1999, CPS, nearly four, confirmed an estimated 1,401 child abuse and neglect fatalities every day. (Child Abuse Statistics, nd).
Dalessio and Stolzenburg peer-reviewed article study is about children who suffers abuse from the hands of their stepparents and whether it has anything to do with the community they live in. The two researchers mentioned that stepchildren are more likely to be abused than biologically children. Dalessio and Stolzenberg also talks about that a stepchild is more likely to be abused where communities lack social and academic resources. The article also talks about how a stepchild’s biological parent cohabitating with another relationship partner other than their divorce spouse which can lead to a high risk of child abuse. The researchers did a study using the national incident-based reporting system (NIBRS) to look at the effects that child abuse have on stepchildren.
Investigators substantiated abuse or neglect for nearly 1 million of the children reported. Among substantiated cases, 56 percent involved physical or emotional neglect, 25 percent involved physical abuse, 13 percent involved sexual abuse, 6 percent involved emotional abuse, and 13 percent involved other abuse, such as educational neglect or abandonment. Some children experienced multiple forms of abuse.
Cultural factors are another issue many children experience in child abuse and neglect. Although not seen in the personal story that I
Thank you for participating in my survey on childhood abuse and its link to self-harm. I promise this will only take a few minutes of your time. As you work through the survey, please be advised that you can change your answer at any time, but please try to be honest when answering.
In today’s society, child abuse is widespread and has an affect on everyone who comes across it. The act of child abuse happens everyday to a variety of kids who are typically younger and scared to tell anyone. All children are born with the right to be able to develop, grow, live and love according to their needs and feelings. For a child 's development they need protection and reassurance from adults who love them and help them acquire the skills to be a successful adult. However, some children are neglected and hurt by adults that they trust. The abuse a child receives makes them feel bad about themselves, and it is much worse when it occurs within a family because it makes them feel unloved and alone causing them to have problems. “Abuse of all types was more frequent in those from disturbed and disrupted family backgrounds. Logistic regressions indicated that some, though not all, of the apparent associations between abuse and adult problems was accounted for by this matrix of childhood disadvantage from which abuse so often emerged. Numerous studies have investigated the psychological sequelae of childhood trauma, including posttraumatic stress disorder(PTSD), dissociation, personality disorder, and substance abuse ”(“New Retrospective Measure of Child Abuse and Neglect” by David P. Bernstein). The act of child abuse causes kids to have one or more mental problems. Additionally, since people do not recognize the abuse while it is occurring, it causes these problems to
Child abuse is a serious social problem in the world. Child abuse is defined as physical, emotional, and sexual maltreatment by their parents, caregiver, and other people. The goal of this survey is to gather information about how people are aware of the child abuse in their community and society. My survey had five questions that were a mixture of close-ended and open-ended questions. Questionnaires help to get an appropriate response from the participant. The sample of this survey takes from a random population, such as international students and United States citizens.
Children can be subjected to the negative effects of parental substance use in a variety of different ways. For example, substance use during pregancy can cause detrimental outcomes for newborn infants by placing them at a higher risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), being born with birth defects, developing behavioral and developmental delays, being born premature, etc. Children with addicted parents, are placed at a higher risk of: lacking appropriate supervision; lacking basic needs such as: food, clothing, housing, and medical care; exposure to violence; developing substance abuse issues themselves.