
Observation Report Child Development

Decent Essays

What did you learn about this child’s development?
I learned that the little boy in the green shirt who I chose seems to be very smart for his young age. The little boy was very vocal on what he was playing with. He does really well when talking about the toys he’s playing with. He can even name each toy he is playing with such as the helicopter, the train and the big truck. He also followed directions accurately when the teacher asked for specific things. I also liked when he asked the teacher what a certain toy was called like the lifter. Then he told her that it picks up wood. His motor skills seem to be right on track for his age. He also answered questions the teacher asked and his answers were right about the things he was talking about. …show more content…

Developmental checklists are based off of physical, cognitive, and social categories. Tracking his physical development would allow me to look at his fine and gross motor skills, cognitive development would allow me to check his language development, and his social development I would take a look at his emotional development along with his development of social skills. I would use this checklist to evaluate his development and record his results. Using a developmental checklist would allow me to monitor a child’s development. “This checklist can be used to assess the child’s progress in learning the objectives and to keep records of progress and further instructional needs” (Wortham, 2012, p.151). Another performance based assessment I would chose is to use the Developmental Rubric. Using a developmental rubric has “The intention is to abandon mastery of skills at a particular grade level; rather, the student is assessed on a continuum that shows developmental progress” (Wortham, 2012, p. 178). Using this rubric I could watch the developmental level for more than just one grade and more than just one developmental level. It also shows me the levels of competency that are relevant throughout a child’s elementary school

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