
Child Development Essay

Decent Essays

Vygotsky sociocultural theory of child development has direct application towards the experiences of children in classroom settings (Berk, 2008). Vygotsky’s theory was that all people in a child’s environment were important to a child’s growth, which would apply directly to classroom settings. In 1945, Rene Spitz wrote concerning the high death of infants under one-year-of-age who resided in institutions (Spitz, 1945). Spitz noted that the reason for the high death rate was a lack of stimulation and not disease along with the absence of the mothers. The work of Spitz and other researchers supports Vygotsky’s ideas that a child is not only a product of their cultural environment, but also affects their environment (Berk, 2008). …show more content…

He was fifteen and his friend Johnny who was thirteen, was having trouble with a broad area of academic performance. Mr. Parashont helped his friend master some math basics. This newfound expertise, however minute it might seem to observers, was enough to give his Johnny pride and confidence so that Johnny was then able to overcome his other academic challenges one-by-one. Gordon and Browne (2010) and Berk (2000) discuss the effectiveness of similar scenarios in the classroom. They referred to the process as “cooperative learning, in which small groups of peers at varying levels of competence work toward a common goal, [that] also fosters more advanced thinking” (p. 123). The increased competence also fosters pride that then serves to energize children and the adults with whom they work. Cognitive, social, and cultural interaction provides a foundation upon which children build. In doing so, children gain freedom to grow further and expand the limits of their environments (Vygotsky & Stone, 2005). This growth becomes contagious for students of all ages and abilities (Gordon & Browne, 2010).. Vygotsky felt that through positive interactions children would be stimulated and enjoy positive cognitive, emotional, and cultural development. The results of the landmark study Spitz published in 1945 were amongst the first proof of just how much human life and growth relied on interactions with others

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