
Child Labor was a Ghastly Result of the Industrial Revolution

Decent Essays

Child labor has come to be regarded as a ghastly by-product of the industrial revolution. The cruelty described in much of the historical literature has made the employment of children the industrial revolution’s most despised feature. Poverty is the root cause of child labor. Parents send their children for work to earn money for household survival. The entire family is working to run their lives. This popular argument makes banning child labor lose much of its force. The market has been treating child labor as a cheaply available human resource that can be exploited to extract unskilled labor at almost no cost. Many organizations replace their adult labor force with child labor to reduce costs. This has led to …show more content…

Few non-governmental agencies state that the count is close to 6 crore (60 million) including the rural agricultural workers; others claim that the number could be 100 million, if one were to define all children out of school as child laborers. The report from International Labor Organization estimates that 218 million children ages 5-17 are engaged in child labor the world over. In India, an estimated 14% of children between the ages of 5-14 are engaged in child labor activities, including carpet production. It has been projected that it would cost $760 billion over a 20-year period to end child labor. This estimated benefit in terms of good education, health and basic facilities is about 6 times that — over $4 trillion in economies where child laborers are found. Some children are forced to work up to 18 hours a day, often never leaving the confines of the factory or loom shed. Child trafficking has increased in many parts of India where girls are initially recruited to work in carpet factories or handicrafts etc but are then trafficked into the sex industry over the border in India. The recent report of International Confederation of Free Trade Unions shows that as many as 60 million children working in India are in agricultural, industrial and commercial sectors. An insight can be drawn from the report that India's booming economy is taking advantage

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