
Child-Man In The Promise Land

Decent Essays

In society men are defined by what they do, and how they act in different situations. Some men are mature and take on the responsibility of supporting a family, and having a career. Other men are content being single, and having a carefree lifestyle. One instance is discussed by Kay S. Hymowitz, author of “Child-Man in the Promise Land.” She believes that single young men (SYM) are lazy, immature, and have a fear of becoming a man, they are the epitome of the child-man. Hymowitz believes that these SYM’s are comfortable not having the responsibility of a family and choose to stay the way they are. On the other hand, Charlie Hoehn author of “Thoughts on Vegas, and Why Men Keep Doing This,” explores men’s emotional health and the deeper causes …show more content…

The male usually is chronically lonely, and has a problem with his emotional health that stems from his childhood, and the amount of play he has. Hoehn reveals that men in the U.S have very little social or emotional support in their lives, and that the cause of these school shootings are deeper than just being an evil person. Charlie Hoehn then moves on to men in the U.S being chronically lonely. He says that some of the main components of growing up and forming close relationships are lost, as men try to live up to the “unhealthy ideal of masculinity that we try to live up to.” (Hoehn 2). The writer then explains the ideal is that real me try to do everything on the own, without crying, and executed through violence. The emotional side is completely taken out and often neglected. This lack of an emotional aspect then leads to isolation and loneliness because of the inability to build strong friendships. He says that the aspect of play and relaxing would eliminate this. He states that play at a young age is how we formulated relationships, and if we were allowed to have that today the mental state of men would improve. Since play is deprived of men as they grow older, the ability to form these close relationships is lost if it was even there in the first

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