On 06-08-2017 at 2134 hours I was dispatched to the Poplar Bluff Reginal Center emergency room in reference to a sexual assault. Upon my arrival I made contact with Jennifer Hovis, who informed me of the following: - She came home from work today and was going to take her son Xavier to the doctors. - She looked around the house for Xavier and was having trouble finding him. - She located Xavier and J2017-2472A in the laundry room. - When she opened the door J2017-2472A jumped up really fast and said he was showing him something under the dryer. - J2017-2472A and Xavier both had their shorts down around there knees. - She asked Xavier what had happened and he told her “J2017-2472A was humping him with his peepee trying to stick it in hard and
He found a piece as he was vacuuming, gave it to her, lifted her onto her bed by the waist and blew onto her stomach with his mouth in an attempt to cheer her up.
Ms. Burrell – Karriem stated that on Monday, April 17, 2017 at approximately 8:30 pm she arrived in the emergency department for treatment. She was transported by Ambulate and with her was a private nurse aide named Tracey Feels.
On 02-07-2017 at 1607 hours I was dispatched to Victor Street and Coolidge Street in reference to an assault.
In the case of Hailey Rodriguez, she was taken to the Montfire Medical Pavilion for treatment (Batchelor, 2010). During the visit
On 03-26-2017 at 1148 hours I made contact with a Division of Family Service worker who requested me to accompany her to 915 South 11th Street apartment 3 in reference to a hotline investigation.
On 01-07-2016 at 1715 hours I was dispatched to Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center in reference to a sexual assault.
On 09-15-2017 at 1620 hours I was dispatched to 1310 Gardner in reference to an assault.
Then they all complained how they are missing thing until he went clean. Anne asked him if it
Elizabeth Orr is on a VIP list to see the Champion screening and she wanted to let us know she needed to cancel her reservation due to the flu. I contacted Kayla because the RSVP screen was over by this time, so I did not know what screening she was talking about in the area. I found out that it was set up for the high donors and she would make sure they were aware of the
Jackson appeared withdrawn, and was somewhat embarrassed before stating that he did not do well in school. Jackson knows that he can perform better in school. When the other children began to tease Jackson, he was ready to fight some of them. This is typical behavior for Jackson, and is also a pattern of disorganized attachment. Children with a disorganized pattern in infancy tend to show disturbed patterns of relationships, subsequently, their relationships with peers can often be characterized by a “fight or flight” pattern of alternate aggression and withdrawal. Jackson’s coping skills when upset, threatened, or embarrassed is fight, unless the person is physically bigger than him. If this is the case, Jackson uses flight to cope, and seeks his grandmother for protection and comfort.
This report is based on a “Systematic Observation” (Berk, 2003, p.44). I designed a simple form to record the data based on specimen record and event sampling in which the
Child development is an amazing thing to watch in the way that children interact with one another and how they perceive the world that surrounds. While doing our research of child development we began to observe a group of kids ranging the ages 1 – 12. During these observations we noticed traits such as attachment, comfort, and love. Through the following examples we will proceed to observe development in our environment and explain its relativity to the text
For this project, I observed my mother's preschool class and the three children which she baby-sits on weekends. Most of the kids that are in the preschool class were three years old, but there was one five year old. The kids I helped baby-sit were two twin three year old girls, and one five year old.
They split up to go to class. Five minutes later his phone alerted. He snuck a look at it. She’d sent a snapchat of herself making a duck face, “Why not me? Lol”
The location of the observation was at the Community Center (Early Childhood education program) at 11:00am to 12:30pm on April 15, 2014. The meaningful experiences in early childhood education can positively shape children's development. With a teacher is guidance authentic child-art activity can educate enrich young students' learning abilities, encourage positive attitudes toward other children, and more importantly, learn to interact with people around them in the contemporary world. However, art for young students often takes many diversified approaches and emphasizing questionable practices. Observation is a part of meaningful and authentic early childhood art education. Observation enriches children’s experiences in