
Child Spanking Research Paper

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Spanking is something that has been done for generations, so why such a controversy topic all of a sudden, certain people believe that parents should have the right to spank their child and some do not. There are two types of spanking sexual spanking which can be broken down to different types and child spanking I will be talking about child spanking the meaning, and why certain people say spanking is okay and why it is not. According to Kitty O’Callaghan the meaning of spanking is spanking someone on the butt with your bare hands to cause pain to the person “61% of parents condone spanking as a regular form of punishment”. (O’Callaghan). What does it mean when kids are being spanked parents think they are correcting a wrong behavior or whatever intend of the spoon was for but in reality they are creating a much deeper problem for a child.
Certain parents believe that spanking a child is a good thing it leads to the child being disciplined, honest, and it is in the bible. Parents believe that spanking a child will make them more disciplined and polish act like the holy child, but beating a child does not …show more content…

According to Sarah Kovac "Exposing children to HCP (harsh corporal punishment) may have detrimental effects on trajectories of brain development,”. Beating a child not only devalues them it also shrinks their brain matter the front part of the brain that leads to certain mental illness (Kovac). Spanking does not work instead it makes a child act out more (Stokely) studies shows that kids that were spanked for wrong full behavior still turned around and acted on that behavior when not being watched therefore it is not enough to spank a child and think that they will change you actually have to talk to the child. Creating a circle that can never be broken of kids grown up and hit there own child or start hitting their

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