
Childhood Trauma And How The Environment Affects Their Learning

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Scientific research over the last 20 years has demonstrated that repeated exposure to trauma and chronic stress in early childhood can impair brain development. For my research I have chosen the topic: Childhood Trauma and how the environment affects their learning. Increasing the quality of service and their stability help to foster positive responsive relationships with nurturing caregivers. As children struggle it is important for us to identify environmental factors and triggers that have an impact in the capability of children’s learning experiences. Having an open and ongoing healthy relationships with parents as well as students helps deal with these struggles that children face today. According to the U.S. Department of Justice “the rate of youth involvement in the juvenile system in the United States has increase and continues to grow. However, it shows that youth in the rural communities are experiencing identical delinquent crimes as urban youth” (U.S. Department of Justice, 1965-1992). The widespread and nature of crimes that is being committed by our youth are very important issues that needs behavioral modification treatment. Issues of juvenile delinquent offenders could connect to childhood traumatic maltreatment. This social problem has affected the value of life in our society, economical system, educational system, and social structure. Studies have examined issues in method, focus and how childhood traumatic maltreatment can lead to juvenile delinquency.

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