
Chinese Culture And Western Culture In Child Rearing

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Culture is a set of values that are ingrained in human beings from birth. They define our actions, our view of what is good, fair, and just, and shape the way we live our lives. The definition of cross-cultural values and beliefs is that of where people from different countries or regions interact, bringing their different values, viewpoints, and practices unique to their culture (Dictionary, 2017). In this literature review, we will analyze the differences between Chinese and Western culture in child rearing, with a focus on the impact of cultural values on parents and/or teachers’ socialization efforts, how children accommodate or resist those socialization efforts, and finally, we will discuss the implications for parents and teachers.
Socializing behavior is defined as behavior enacted towards children, or in the presence of children, to induce or shape their behavior or understanding of behavior (LeCuyer & Zhang, 2015).

The impact of cultural values on parents and/or teachers’ socialization efforts
The Chinese culture is known for its collectivism with focus on group success over personal success, and hierarchal authority where children are expected to obey parents, teachers, and other authorities in power. This style is characterized by attempts to shape and control the child according to absolute standards, with a high value of obedience to authoritative figures (Lieber, Fung, Wing-Leung Leung, 2006). Chinese people, in general, are more willing to

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