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Sec. 002 Team 1 | GB 214 Operations Analysis: Chipotle Mexican Grill | Assignment 3: Supply Chain |


1. Major Components/Inputs of the Product & Suppliers Chipotle uses several suppliers when ordering and receiving their food products. Chipotle’s main objective is to provide food with organic and naturally grown backgrounds. Because of these values, Chipotle prides itself in using suppliers that follow their guidelines of “food with integrity” structure, by meeting the requirements and goals for food safety, animal welfare, sustainability, and social accountability.1 Chipotle’s customer service manager, Shannon Kyllo, stated in her email that the company continuously changes its suppliers to source the best …show more content…

Outsourced Activities
Chipotle mentions that it currently sources most of its key ingredients like chicken, pork and beef from a limited number of suppliers.6 But at the same time chipotle ventured into local outsourcing in 2008 when they launched a pilot program to outsource all its organic pork products for its Charlottesville, Va., location from a local supplier, Polyface farms.8 They felt that using local organizations to outsource would help them have fresh ingredients and ensure that the respective source follows their “food with integrity” motto.6
After the initial success of Chipotle, the executives realized that they had to improve one of their products -- the shredded pork which they used in almost all their food items.9 This is when Chipotle found an advertisement for the farmers of Niman Ranch, a pork supplying company.9 Steve Ellis took interest in this supplier after he sampled some of its organically grown products.9 Chipotle’s spokesman, Chris Arnold, stated after Ellis tried the pork: “What so impressed Ellis, in addition to the quality of Niman Ranch pork, was the way in which the Calif.-based company raised its animals, from feeding practices to the land on which the hogs roamed.”9 The Niman Ranch experience completely changed the way Chipotle selected from their food suppliers, them having contracts with ranches in the Midwest for pork and livestock helped them cover a larger geographic region and facilitate the demand for Chipotle

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