Picture this: You just ran a five mile race before lunch-you won! You are dying for a drink of water, but you forgot your water bottle at home, you rush to the cafeteria and you find two drinks, chocolate milk and regular milk. Which one should you pick? Chocolate milk is a sugary drink, it’s unhealthy, and most definitely worse than regular milk. I’m Sofia, and I believe chocolate milk should not be served in schools. First of all, I have to admit chocolate milk tastes pretty good. Just knowing there is chocolate milk in the cafeteria makes kids go crazy. Some people drink lots of chocolate milk. Many people drink chocolate milk every day! Some people haven’t realized how much sugar is in this drink. The average child
Have you ever tried chocolate milk? If you haven't you should, because the creamy chocolate taste is truly delicious. I think schools should serve chocolate milk. But on the other hand there are many who disagree with the idea of chocolate milk being served in schools, because it has a lot of sugar. When you look at the facts though it is clear that chocolate milk should be served in schools. Chocolate milk should be served in schools because its nutritious, kids drink more if its flavored, and it helps kids achieve their dairy servings. There are tons of advantages for having chocolate milk in our school.
They understand that it is popular among kids but they also feel that kids shouldn’t be able to say what os healthy for them or not. They also realize that a lot of the sweeteners added to flavored milk aren’t natural. The school boards decision was based upon the healthiness of the children in their
Chocolate milk is detrimental because children could get diabetes from it. Los Angeles School District states that “Thirty percent of kids obese on track to diabetes from chocolate milk.” This proves that Chocolate milk should not be allowed to be served in schools because of how bad it is to you. This shows you that kids can get diabetes from chocolate milk
Have you ever seen the nutritional facts on a carton of chocolate milk? You probably have. Now, have you ever compared the facts with a regular coke? Probably not. The facts are astounding. Chocolate milk has 1 more gram of sugar than a 8 fluid ounces of coke and has approximately 100 more calories! In addition, chocolate milk has eight more grams of fat! That is extremely unreasonable! I think chocolate milk should be banned from schools across the nation because it is over consumed, it is very unhealthy, and it sweetens the taste buds of kids.
“Slurp, slurp!” Kids are bursting through lunchroom doors looking for the Chocolate milk. Some people are saying that you should not sell Chocolate milk in schools, People think Chocolate milk is bad for kids, but have they thought of the good reasons about Chocolate milk? I think that Chocolate milk should be served in schools. Chocolate milk is healthy, kids should have a choice, and last, Chocolate milk is well liked.
Chocolate milk shouldn’t be banned because it has things children need to grow big and strong. “Flavored milk is far less sugary and tends to have fewer calories and more nutrition than beverages like soda,” said Keith Ayoob associate clinical professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York City. In addition a survey of 58 Elementary and secondary schools across the country that removed chocolate version of moo juice from cafeterias for 2 years and offered only white milk version found a 32 - 64% drop in the amount kids drink depending on the grade, in part because they stop fully draining the carton. These examples explain that chocolate milk has benefits to it and a lot of kids only like chocolate
Nevertheless chocolate milk should stay in schools because, it is affordable, healthy, and helps reduce stress hormones. There are many families that would be very thankful to know the school is helping them with making sure their child gets proper nutrition and is as happy as possible at all times. Also, families want what is best for their children, and proper nutrition is one thing all children need. The solution is so simple and it can help so many, so please consider leaving chocolate milk in schools around the Troy R3
It’s healthier , lacks caffeine, gives energy some people think that only schools should offer only nutritious drinks such as white milk, water, and fruit juice because it’s healthier and lacks caffeine while it also gives energy some people think that only schools should offer only nutritious drinks such as white milk, water, and fruit juice. Habits learned as a child will carry through adulthood. Finally children are not educated enough to make vital decisions about their
Nathaniel Hawthorne does a tremendous job at developing his characters throughout “The Scarlet Letter.” He put a very unique set of characters, each with their own personality that is expected of them at the beginning of the story, but, by the end of the story the reader realizes that the same character acts in a way that the reader was not expecting, because it took the whole story to unfold. One of the main characters that will be explained in the following paragraphs is Arthur Dimmesdale. He was the preacher for the puritans in the story, and although he began the story as what seemed to be a common and thoughtful man turned out to be something very different.
Chocolate milk be removed from schools because it’s not healthy for kids and adults who drink chocolate milk on a daily basis. If you get chocolate milk from school and you look at the label and then look down to where it says sugars most chocolate milk has a high amount of sugars. Chocolate milk can cause childhood obesity. Chocolate milk contains added sugars and therefore
Obesity is a large scale problem all over the U.S, Some people thinks it all comes down to chocolate milk in schools. Some people thinks it’s a superior beverage for kids to get the nutrients they need. But I have a different opinion on flavored milk, It has been researched and shaved down to it’s conclusion that flavored milks don't look as what they seem, The flavored milks hold a enormous amount of sugar it's been tested and proven by the experts multiple times. The ingredients it holds are not needed in the milk, White milk is healthier in always compared to its cousins flavored milk. I will be breaking down the secrets behind the chocolate milk and what it tries to hide from us.
Some people think that chocolate has a lot of sugar in it, but it only has a little bit! Chocolate milk is actually healthier than other sports drinks, and it has only a little bit of sugar unlike the other drinks like cola, which has 39 grams of sugar. I think is better to keep chocolate milk in schools because it is really healthy and nutrient for the
chocolate milk over white milk? I think schools should serve chocolate milk because it helps kids drink more milk, kids like the taste most importantly because studies show that when chocolate milk is taken out of schools milk composition drops by 8%. What if all schools stopped serving chocolate milk? It could be you
Throughout our lives we have been told that milk is good for our body and helps to toughen our bones. Drinking milk started when people domesticated animals for food, which happened around 7500 years ago in the central Balkans and central Europe. By that time consuming milk was not as common as it is today. It was only farmers in some specific regions that were using cow’s milk. Milk’s market grew the mass production of meat in the 15th century. Afterwards in the 17th century, the idea of eating out and going to restaurants was born and fast food industries, started using animal’s meat for producing their meals. The rate of milk users grew with the rate of meat users and milk’s market got bigger and bigger every day. Mothers
Mining is an important activity, as it extracts the source of most objects, tools and items that are used in many ways in society. There are drawbacks, however, as it brings environmental and social impacts, like pollution of the waterways, change in the landscape and the concentration of labour force. In Waihi, the mining plays an important role in sustaining the economy of the city, but it also brings problems that have to be managed by the Newmont Gold Company. The focus of the field trip is to locate the potential environmental issues that may be linked to mining by using a natural and physical resource inventory of the Waikato Region and Bay of Plenty.