
Christian And Buddhist Worldviews

Better Essays

Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity Jennifer L. Porter
Grand Canyon University: HLT-310v Spirituality in Healthcare
July 1, 2015

This is a comparative essay of the Christian and Buddhist worldviews. First Sire’s seven questions will be introduced, whose answers will then construct a worldview. This paper will evaluate two differing worldviews, how they might be devised and their implications on the nursing profession. Both religions/philosophies, Christian and Buddhism respectively, having differing interpretations of the truth. The author will explore whether one person may hold pieces from each view or if the worldviews are mutually exclusive. The paper will conclude with a personal statement of beliefs from the author …show more content…

The Zen master while pouring overfills the cup. At this time the professor begins to complain. The Zen master states: ‘A mind that is already full cannot take in anything new…like the cup, you are full of opinions and preconceptions’ (Rodgers & Yen, 2002, p 213). Many times Western thought includes a narrow or linear way of thinking and can in ways alienate other viable options. This includes not only alternatives but also ideas that can run congruent to the current thought processes. In this paper, the author will introduce Sire’s idea of what constructs a worldview (Shelly & Miller, 2006). In answering these questions from a Christian and then Buddhist standpoint, this paper will briefly discuss the similarities and differences that each worldview present. This paper will also address the nursing implications of these differing worldviews and in conclusion will provide a personal statement as to the author’s personal beliefs. Science has long since been dominated by Western thought; and since nursing is considered both an art and a science, the question is explored, can introduction of Eastern philosophies add to the understanding and compassion of care delivered by the nursing …show more content…

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