Hi Devan, Good job on the thesis statement. You and I have chosen the same topic. Did you have any troubles suporting your topic. I have found that doing face to face interviews with pastors, and church members, have been extremly helpful to me. The Christian church has so many things to choose from, it was a little difficult for me at first to narrow down my topic. Best wihes to you on your essay, it will be interesting to see how you put it all together, you have some good subcategories.
Ever since I was six years old, the year I was baptized, I have been on fire for the Lord. I attended a Christian school for eight years and have always been very involved at my church. My first experience outside of my “Christian bubble” was when I went to a public high school. For the first time in my life, I was out of my comfort zone. Being at a public school challenged my faith, strengthened my leadership skills, and forced me to branch out and meet people I would have never encountered otherwise. However, even though being at a public school helped strengthen my faith in ways I would have never guessed, I believe attending a Christian university—like Liberty—is the best choice to further my education. Going to college is new and exciting, but it can also be a demanding and intimidating experience. Being so far away from home, in a different environment,
When it comes to living out the beliefs of the Christian worldview, the way to do so is by attempting to emulate the behaviors that Jesus displayed during his limited time on earth. This is because as Christians we are expected to live a life that mirrors his since Jesus lived a sinless life and had a perfect relationship with the Father. Trying to emulate the behavior of Christ and by virtue living out the virtues of life is based upon the examples left within the Bible. In the Bible, Christ showed how his followers were to live out his teachings in their everyday lives despite the persecution that they would face from others. Instances of this include when he told Peter not to fight the guards, when he spoke of turning one's cheek, and when
in just the sophomore class due to stress, repugnance, or isolation. A copious amount of students at the school complain about stress and ridiculous rules. As a matter of fact, about 75 percent of students are disinterested with the school. The students believe that the school needs to progress in order to keep interest. Advancement in rules, a time for community every day, and the reduction in homework can significantly adjust a student’s perspective on school. Likewise, it illustrates how Christians should behave. To improve Northwest Christian School, one should make the lunchroom into a cafe before school, allow students to wear their school shirts any day of the week, and assign no homework on Wednesdays or weekends.
In today’s extremely competitive, job-scarce economy, having a college degree is now a steadfast requirement when applying to even entry-level professional jobs. Choosing a college has always been a challenging task for high school seniors, but it is now fraught with stress and anxiety for nearly every adult who seeks to further their education. Questions abound: what school offers the exact program I desire? What school is in the best location, or has the best campus? What school feels ‘right’?
The scientific method is a tool that enables a person to seek out new knowledge, or correct and integrate new knowledge. It is composed of eight individual steps: which start out with defining a question, gathering information and resources, form an explanatory hypothesis, test the hypothesis by performing an experiment and collecting data in a reproducible manner, analyze the data, interpret the data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypothesis, publish results, and ends with a retest. The steps can be grouped into four different essential elements: operation, observation, model, and utility function.
There are many different religions and beliefs throughout the world, ranging from Islam, Secular Humanism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. The worldview of many of these religions differs greatly when compared to Christianity. For example, the questions of origin, Identity, Meaning/purpose, Morality, Destiny may get you different answer from each belief. I have chosen to discuss Buddhism in comparison to a Christian’s worldview on the questions of origin, Identity, Meaning/purpose, Morality and destiny. “Buddhism is a religion, originated in India by Buddha and later spreading to China, Burma, Japan, Tibet and parts of southeast Asia, holding that life is full of suffering caused by desire and that the way to end this suffering is through enlightenment
The word “Christian” in Colorado Christian University is more than just a belief shared amongst the Faculty and Student Body. It is the foundation on which all aspects of the educational experience are built. Beginning with a strong Statement of Faith, which aligns with core beliefs of the National Association of Evangelicals, the University proclaims its belief “in the Bible as being the only authoritative Word of God, that God exists in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as well as belief in the salvation and resurrection that is only found in Christ Jesus” (Statement of Faith at Colorado Christian University, n.d.).
Defining a Christian worldview is both very important and very difficult. It is important because Jesus Christ Himself sent us into the world with a commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20, ESV). With that commission, we need to understand how Christianity fits into all nations of the world. The reason for its difficulty is that we all have our cultural biases that we impose on our Christianity. It is not intentional, but because we do not live in a vacuum, cultural influences become part of us with every breath we take.
If I were to sum up what I have learned from this course it would be focused on Faith and a new understanding of the Bible. Faith is not just part of religion but every aspect of our everyday lives, and is fascinatingly carried through the Bible from the beginning to the end. It began with the Creation, and continued throughout the Fall, Redemption, and Consummation of Christ. It is the foundation of the Christian perspective and what leads God’s people to salvation and good works. Our modern world is so corrosive to faith that Jesus Christ asked, "When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8). He is there to give his people the gift of faith and to help them to grow in living faith that will last forever.
The first and most important theme in a Christian worldview is believing in the one true God. The creator of all things in the universe.
A worldview is a term used to describe one’s theories and beliefs about the world. “No human being lives without a worldview, but few ever give thought to what worldviews are, how they come into being, how they change and how they are held.” (Webb, p.1) Upbringing, life experiences, attitudes and morals can all have an effect on a person’s worldview and in turn, will affect how one decides to live their life every day and the choices they make. “All of us at some time ask what is real.” (DeWeese, pg. 34) Christian Worldview answers, with certainty, the questions to origin, identity, meaning/purpose, morality and destiny. When you believe the Bible to be true, you allow it to be your guide for what you say and do. –Word count 128
What is Christian Science? Who is Mary Baker Eddy? Where does Christian Science come from? Is Christian Science like Scientology? What are Christian Science beliefs? Why are we here and where do we go when we die? These question may be raised when you hear Christian Science. Christian Science is unique in its own way, it may not seem all that amazing like other religions but Christian Science is truly amazing over all. Some people refer to Christian Science as non-Christian or an a cult, but that’s not true. Christian Science is a religion that formed more slowly than other religions but is still a good religion.
Most define worldview as a foundational set of assumptions that will shape the understanding of individuals and how they internalize information and give a natural response. They are absolutely correct. Worldviews have evolved throughout the world. Instead of just one worldview it has taken a new phase of life and migrated in various places. Worldviews are what makes the world spin. According to the book “ introduction to global mission”, every culture or ethnic group holds a unique worldview, which refers to the way they view their reality”. Initially worldview is diverse in content and complex on a functional level.
The Chinese Christian church in the United States often has ethnic characteristics, but different Chinese churches often have special concentration in the composition of the congregation, which reflects the tide of Chinese immigrants in different stages. For example, descendants of early immigrants from southern China usually have their fixed church. International students from the mainland of China have the church which they set up together. And other "informal immigrants" also formed Christian organizations. According to Aihui Lee, she divides American Chinese Christianity into four categories.
In his hardback titled The Church: Contours of Christian Theology, Edmund P. Clowney writes a systematic presentation about concerning the doctrine of the church. In chapter eight of his book, he describes the Marks of the Church. Clowney writes about the marks of a true church of Christ, which include the true preaching of the Word of God; the proper observation of the sacraments; and the faithful exercise of church discipline.