
Christian Division Essay

Decent Essays

July 14th brought the discussion of Christianity and how it diversified and expanded into different religions. Moreover, religions in general, have different divisions such as Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity. Like you said, "The divisions are definitely out there."
In continuation, Christianity began in Jerusalem with the birth of Jesus Christ. During Jesus' lifetime, he accumulated many followers; over 500 or so disciples. When Jesus was crucified, his disciples traveled the Mediterranean to evangelize the masses about Jesus. Among these disciples, Peter and Paul shined the most. The reason they became very important to Christianity is because they were very intelligent. However, their lives came to an end when Nero executed them. On their …show more content…

To this day, the Greek church is so similar to the Roman church, they are practically sibling churches. Another major division is the Russian orthodoxy. This Russian division is one of the biggest and most powerful of all. In addition, another division is the Egyptian orthodoxy. The Egyptian's believe that they are the oldest Christian group because God sent someone to save them. The divisions of the Church happened because of differences in beliefs. One of the most important divisions in the history of the Church is the division started by Martin Luther. Luther was a German man who changed the course of history with his fascinating works of literature. One of his most renowned work of literature is what we call today the ninety-five theses. This document was revolutionary because it talked about everything the Roman Church was doing wrong. Moreover, the main issue during this time period is the fact that the Church was selling salvation. This form of salvation was through the selling of indulgences. In essence, of you have the money you can pay your way out of Hell according to the church. Naturally, Luther saw this as a problem and would not stand for it. Through his efforts, he founded his own church and invented the German language. However, even though Luther led a good life and fathered many children, he messed up. On his final days, he wrote 6 pamphlets explaining his discrimination on Jews. Additionally, Hitler used this as an opportunity to convince the masses about his "final

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