
Christian Worldview And Biblical Entrepreneurship

Decent Essays

Christian Worldview and Biblical Entrepreneurship
As Christians, we are required to show God’s rule in all occupations. We exercise dominion by becoming good stewards to the gifts He has bestowed upon us. God expects us to use our gifts to the fullest. “From everyone who has given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” Luke 12:48 (NIV). The idea of biblical entrepreneurship and the Christian worldview are closely related.
A Christian Worldview explains the framework of ideas and beliefs through which a Christian individual, group or culture interprets the world and interact with it (Tackett, nd.). Someone with a Biblical worldview believes his primary reason for existence is to love and serve God, believing everything in the Bible as truth allowing it to be the foundation for everything you say and do (Tackett, nd.). Having a Christian Worldview and becoming an entrepreneur can go hand in hand.
Biblical entrepreneurship, as defined by Tsague in Biblical Principles for Starting & Operating a Business, is a Biblically based process of identifying opportunities, taking calculated risks, solving problems, and exercising business stewardship for profit (Tsague, 2006, pg.18). The text gives many principles that are crucial to doing business successfully from God’s perspective. The following twelve principles show how Biblical entrepreneurship relates to a Christian worldview. “God has given each of us talents in

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