
Christian Worldview Technology

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Technology can be one of two things an instrument through which we fulfill our role as God’s stewards or an object of worship that will eventually rule us. A Christian worldview can be complicated by today’s standards however it can create a balance and give us positive insight towards the future. How do we think about technology in a Christian way? I will refer to (“The Next Story by Tim Challies”) who wrote “Technology is a good, God given gift created in God’s image.” “Technology is the creative activity of using tools to shape God’s creation for practical purposes.” The application of such technology will determine if we are using such technology to further God’s plan or to further human sin by the worshiping of idols. The role of …show more content…

My Spiritual development has been directly influenced by my own adverse decisions I have made throughout my life. My ability to see life from a Christian perspective has surely been made more available because of technology advancements however my real life experiences and shortcomings has been the most cause for me to seek out God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My Spiritual development will continue to thrive and technology can have a direct effect on how I can grow in my Faith and bring other to Christ as …show more content…

Daniel 12: 4 “But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.”(NIV Bible.) Matthew 24:14 speaks of world evangelism “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. (NIV Version.) We can see that the Gospel will have the ability to move throughout the world via the internet and online ministry capabilities. Technology is, at times, considered by Christians in a negative light. This is especially true when using technology in ways that are conforming to the world (Romans 12:2). However, there is evidence in the Bible that technology is looked upon favorably by God. For example, Psalm 119:105 reads "Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light for my path."(NIV Bible.) The light can be perceived as a form of technology. The modern day Christian technologist must put their trust in God first and foremost not technology. God was able to bring everything into existence without the use of any

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